What is ABA?
Applied Behavior Analysis is a method of controlling the environment in such a way as to promote learning. This can be applied to learning more appropriate behaviors or learning new skills. It is a research based therapy that, according to the National Autism Research Center, is the only therapeutic model that is proven by experimental scientific research to make significant progress with people on the spectrum.
Controlling the environment, (interventions) includes many factors such as parent concerns and making sure to keep in mind the age and the developmental level of each client. ABA interventions promote socially relevant positive changes that are permanent, and generalized to various situations and caregivers.
Quality ABA interventions offer clients an opportunity to earn the things they desire. Any behavior that results in earning a desired outcome will naturally increase. Removing unintentional rewards for inappropriate behaviors will naturally reduce them. Eventually most rewards will be slowly faded and replace with praise (social reinforcement).
15 Papineau Street,
Holyoke, MA 01040

Autism Behavior & Learning Experience
office: 413.262.3721
fax: 413.507.3363